#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Peter Wesely

"Deportation to Afghanistan kills - life chances, hopes, perspectives, togetherness, friendships, lives - but also that humanity which is praised as an achievement in Sunday speeches". Peter Wesely, People.Dignity.Austria Alliance https://www.mwoe.at/ As a long-time organiser of http://www.sagsmulti.at/, former press spokesperson of a large NGO and member of People. Dignity.Austria, Peter Wesely is familiar with all the concerns and issues that people on the run and migrants ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Review/Outlook

Today, full of gratitude, I am publishing a review of those people who have supported us so far with their statements, who have shown solidarity. People from different cities, social backgrounds, women, men, of different ages. They have one thing in common: their solidarity with those seeking protection from Afghanistan and their willingness to support this initially "small idea" of the #StopDeportationToAfghanistan campaign. My sincere, heartfelt thanks for this, dear ones. Already ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Dr Ferry Maier

"Deportations to Afghanistan are not worthy of a state in the heart of Europe. Where is human dignity and humanity? Afghanistan is the most unsafe country on earth. The Foreign Ministry urgently warns citizens against entering the country. Nevertheless, Austria deports people seeking protection to Afghanistan. Among them are also fully integrated people or people who had to flee to Iran as children and therefore do not even know Afghanistan." …