#DontForgetMoria – Courage, Mut zur Menschlichkeit

Wir sind nun seit beinahe zwei Jahren auf Lesbos für die Menschen vor Ort tätig und die Zustände werden, obwohl sich weniger Geflüchtete in den Camps aufhalten, zunehmend dramatischer. Seit dem Brand von Moria sind über 90% der 10.000 Geflüchteten, die sich damals im Camp aufhielten, mit positivem Asylbescheid auf das Festland geschickt worden, jedoch ohne jegliche Vision. Die meisten …

Weltflüchtlingstag 2022

#Weltflüchtlingstag Juni 2022, #Lesbos Dieses Video verkörpert ein Projekt, das die jungen Menschen, mit denen wir hier auf Lesbos arbeiten, selbst entwickelt und ausgeführt haben. Sie luden uns ein, mit ihnen nach Moria zu gehen. Unterschiedliche Erinnerungen kamen dabei hoch, manche waren seit dem Brand nicht mehr hier. Nach dem Brand von Moria im Herbst 2020, von dem fast 10.000 …

9 months Lesbos

With one laughing eye and one crying eye we stand on the ferry to Chios.

The first days on Lesbos

We have settled in again and have contacted some NGOs we have gotten to know to discuss our cooperation for the next 2 1/2 months. There are so many different needs to be met here on Lesbos. We are angry and sad that nothing has improved significantly since we arrived in September. People are living in the same filth, in the same ...

In 2 weeks I'm flying to Lesbos again....my heart is calling!

On 30 October, I will fly back to Lesbos together with Helga Longin and I am very grateful that this is possible. Since I returned a week ago, I have had many conversations and discussions, answered countless questions, some of which have remained unanswered until today. Actually, I would need administrative support for this, please let me remind you that I have done all my ...

Lesbos - KaraTepe - Moria2 - Help on the spot

Last Friday I landed back in Lesbos after a 3 day break. It was wonderful at home, my daughter's birthday, meeting my wonderful children, enjoying music by Mulham and Estas Tonne, working at Forum Stadtpark. Every moment in itself a source of strength. Thank you! You desperately need it when you are here on the ground and facing a reality that ...

#Lesbos #KaraTepe #Moria 1st week summary

I am very grateful that by chance I did not have a seatmate on the flight home from Greece to Vienna. Why? Because when I look at the beautiful landscape and the sea below me as I take off, my heart "overflows" and I have to cry. I am really looking forward to seeing my children, my daughter is celebrating her birthday tomorrow and these days when both my children are ...

New Day on Lesbos - Kara Tepe/Moria

What we are doing here is, in our opinion, #emergencyaid, urgently needed. Under no circumstances do we want to see this as a permanent condition. The new #KaraTepe camp needs to be EVACUATED, under no circumstances should we take note of these conditions, accept them, let alone get used to them. Never! Starting tomorrow, #HomeForAll starts their support in the camp, delivering food to particularly vulnerable groups. Here ...

Day 1 On-site assistance - Lesvos/Moria

We, Helga Longin and I, have only been in Lesbos for one day. We all know the pictures, the reports, but what people have to suffer here, what crime is being committed against people here with the knowledge of all of us, I/we are at a loss for words.... Children, pregnant women, families, young men, old people, sick people, all homeless under unimaginable conditions. Unimaginable! Most of them live next to the ...

#Moria - Tragedy- EU Disaster Response

Since "forever" we NGOs have been pleading, asking, demanding a humane and human rights solution for Moria. Now what we have been talking about for months/years has happened. A disaster, the entire camp for people on the run is burning. 12,000 people on the run homeless, traumatised, HELPLESS. Women, children, men. Long political negotiations are now inappropriate. Now it is time to act, as we do when disasters ...