"Against arbitrariness" .... civil society evening

If you also want to support us with a video message "Against arbitrariness" in the constitutional state, then go to the link and upload your video, THANK YOU! https://deref-gmx.net/mail/client/p08GG_uZAIE/dereferrer/?redirectUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gegen-willkuer.at%2Fvideobotschaften-upload%2F You are also welcome to forward it to friends, acquaintances and interested parties. The rule of law is our security framework. Any form of arbitrariness in this area harms us all, harms the essence of democracy. Thank you very much, see you ...

"Against arbitrariness" ....what does this have to do with the Minister of the Interior?

The evening "Against Arbitrariness" on 7 October at the Theater Josefstadt is almost sold out and for good reason. Many Austrians already suspect that our constitutional state is beginning to falter, but many are still unable to say exactly where and how this is taking place, what can be done about it, and so on. I can well relate to this when I think of how I was in ...