"Against arbitrariness" .... civil society evening

If you also want to support us with a video message "Against arbitrariness" in the constitutional state, then go to the link and upload your video, THANK YOU! https://deref-gmx.net/mail/client/p08GG_uZAIE/dereferrer/?redirectUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gegen-willkuer.at%2Fvideobotschaften-upload%2F You are also welcome to forward it to friends, acquaintances and interested parties. The rule of law is our security framework. Any form of arbitrariness in this area harms us all, harms the essence of democracy. Thank you very much, see you ...

"Against arbitrariness" .... civil society evening

It is with great pleasure that I am able to report on the upcoming evening. "Against Arbitrariness" Theater in der Josefstadt, 7 October 2018 Link to the event Representatives from law, art and science and civil society are using this evening to campaign for objectivity, respect and humanity to continue to determine the actions of courts and authorities in Austria. The requirements of the constitution, the human rights conventions are ...

#sichersein Heldenplatz, Vienna

Yes, here they are, the many pairs of shoes. They represent all the people fleeing from great danger. And for me personally, they represent all the people who have been deported from European countries of prosperity to Afghanistan. Especially for you, Ahmad Jan. To a country where in 2017 there were more than ...