#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Letter from a desperate man

Afghanistan is a high-risk area. Attacks, brutality, corruption, mafias, hunger, poverty, women without rights and now the dramatic effects of COVID-19 are the order of the day. The majority of young people would rather be at home, in their country, with their families, in their houses, with their friends. But they know they can't, because they have no future for all the above reasons.

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Peter Wesely

"Deportation to Afghanistan kills - life chances, hopes, perspectives, togetherness, friendships, lives - but also that humanity which is praised as an achievement in Sunday speeches". Peter Wesely, People.Dignity.Austria Alliance https://www.mwoe.at/ As a long-time organiser of http://www.sagsmulti.at/, former press spokesperson of a large NGO and member of People. Dignity.Austria, Peter Wesely is familiar with all the concerns and issues that people on the run and migrants ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Erich Fenninger

" Thousands dead. Hundreds of thousands displaced. That is the reality. Anyone who declares this Afghanistan safe is complicit." Erich Fenninger/Director Volkshilfe Austria Erich Fenninger, for years committed to people in need and to people on the run. A man who very closely observes and knows the social and political situation in our country and consistently advocates for good coexistence and ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Regina Petrik

"Even the State Department describes Afghanistan as a high-risk area. There is massive violence in various forms everywhere. Deporting people to such a country means sending them to their deaths with their eyes wide open." Regina Petrik/Landtagsabgeordnete "Die Grünen", Burgenland Thank you very much dear Regina for your statement and your support of the campaign against deportations to Afghanistan. It is urgently necessary that also political persons ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Clemens Potocnik

Clemens Potocnik is a medical doctor/cardiologist, he and his family support my work, a young man from Afghanistan has been staying with them temporarily. And he is my cousin, which I am very happy about. "Sending ......... well-integrated young men back to a war-torn country is simply irrational and ideologically twisted". Thank you very much dear Clemens for supporting the campaign and your actions. #ChangingTheNarrative Why ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Daniela Platsch

"Our government warns urgently about the security situation in Afghanistan and in the same breath deports people there......." Daniela Platsch, Political Director of the party "Wandel" It is intolerable that the real situation in Afghanistan, a high-risk area, is not taken into account. Deporting people to a country like Afghanistan, where almost everyone has already been affected in some way by the violence, the ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Herbert Langthaler

Today with a contribution from a dear and much appreciated colleague, Herbert Langthaler/co-founder of Asylkoordination Österreich. "The ongoing insecurity, the fear of deportation to the most unsafe country in the world, is wearing people down......" Herbert Langthaler has not let himself be worn down despite the great challenges, he has been working for people on the run for almost 30 years. He is not only responsible for ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Bettina Reiter

"......The new Austrian federal government must rethink and not continue the abominations of the old one......... "Sincere thanks to you Bettina Reiter, President, Association Respekt.net https://www.respekt.net/crowdfunding-fuer-eine-bessere-gesellschaft/, for raising your voice against the deportations to Afghanistan and for your consistent commitment. I meet young people from Afghanistan 3-4 times a week. In the first phase of our meetings, they are outwardly cheerful, or make an effort ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Bernhard Jenny

In Afghanistan, a high-risk area under the torment of war, terror, corruption and massive radicalism, Covid19 is now spreading. In addition to all the unbelievably sad things that are happening in this country, a famine is now in the making that will cost many people their lives.Countless Afghans live on day labour. If they can't get out, it means no income, no food ...

Afghanistan deportations-suspended detention

Repeating again and again that deportations to Afghanistan are in no way compatible with human rights and European values may seem strange, but the attitude of the Austrian Federal Government unfortunately forces us to do so. Afghanistan is a high-risk area affected by war and terror, and I personally do not know a single deportee who is able to gain a foothold in this country through his or her own means. Even people who have been deported by ...