#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Peter Wesely

"Deportation to Afghanistan kills - life chances, hopes, perspectives, togetherness, friendships, lives - but also that humanity which is praised as an achievement in Sunday speeches". Peter Wesely, People.Dignity.Austria Alliance https://www.mwoe.at/ As a long-time organiser of http://www.sagsmulti.at/, former press spokesperson of a large NGO and member of People. Dignity.Austria, Peter Wesely is familiar with all the concerns and issues that people on the run and migrants ...

"Against arbitrariness" .... civil society evening

It is with great pleasure that I am able to report on the upcoming evening. "Against Arbitrariness" Theater in der Josefstadt, 7 October 2018 Link to the event Representatives from law, art and science and civil society are using this evening to campaign for objectivity, respect and humanity to continue to determine the actions of courts and authorities in Austria. The requirements of the constitution, the human rights conventions are ...