Weihnachten – Moria2

Es ist jetzt 1 Jahr her, dass zahlreiche Menschen und ich weiß, dass es extrem viele waren/sind, den damaligen Kanzler Kurz, seinen Regierungspartner, die Grünen und etliche andere Regierungsmitglieder um eine Aufnahme von Familien aus dem Elendscamp Lesbos baten. Vertreter*innen der Zivilgesellschaft, NGOs, Bischofskonferenz, Vereinen, Initiativen wie Wochenende für Moria, Kinderfreunde, Pfadfinderin*innen, Sportgruppen, Künstler*innen, Menschen aus beinahe allen Bereichen Österreich‘s …

Homeschooling auf Lesbos

Neben all der Unterstützung die wir im Moment auf der Insel leisten, waren uns auch die Kinder der außerhalb des Camps lebenden Familien sehr wichtig. Kinder, die seit Jahren auf der Flucht sind, die Hölle von Moria erleiden mussten, die die Verzweiflung ihrer Eltern anhand der massiven Menschenrechtsbrüche miterleben müssen. Die meisten Eltern hier kümmern sich rührend um ihre Kinder, …

The first days on Lesbos

We have settled in again and have contacted some NGOs we have gotten to know to discuss our cooperation for the next 2 1/2 months. There are so many different needs to be met here on Lesbos. We are angry and sad that nothing has improved significantly since we arrived in September. People are living in the same filth, in the same ...

Lesbos-March 21

On Friday we flew back to Lesvos after a little more than 4 weeks break. The last weeks before our trip home in February we worked intensively and were able to distribute a lot directly in the camp. Thanks to our trustful relationship with Katarina and Nikos, founders of Home ForAll, a small but very efficient NGO on Lesvos, we were able to rent a warehouse directly in Mytelini, which we used as a temporary ...

Everyday work - Lesbos - RIC Camp

I have been back on Lesbos since December 30th 2020. To ensure everyone's safety, I was quarantined here for another 3 days despite the negative PCR test. After these days, the Corona test I made here in Mytelini was also negative and the daily work began. First of all, I went to the camp with our partner NGO #HomeForAll and had to go to my big ...

Personal impressions from Kara Tepe, on Lesbos

It is quite a challenge to report objectively about our work, about everything we experience here, people here, in the European Union. When I sit here in our warm accommodation, knowing that Helga and I are going to cook something good for us, the wood crackling in the stove, then I am convinced that it can only be done with a ...

Daily routine and impressions of our daily work on Lesvos

I think it is also important that we make you understand what and how we work here on Lesvos for the people in the #KaraTepe camp. Here, in the new camp near Mytelini, there are currently just over 8,000 people, women, men, children, old people, sick people. There are over 1000 summer tents, which are normally shared by 6-7 people, often 2 families ...

Lesbos - 1 day after the terrible attack in Vienna.

M distributing food parcels in KaraTepe

Terror, no matter who it comes from, affects us all deeply. All of us! All the more important, and probably the only sensible solution, is that we unite, do not give what divides us a chance in any way, also take people seriously with all their fears and remain in dialogue. How much such events leave us stunned, no matter where we come from, is shown by the following ...

Lesbos - KaraTepe

I understand what the representatives of the big, paid NGOs mean:There are now some "showers", if you can call them that: little plastic houses with cold (!) water.Sewage is in deep holes in front of them.When I asked them what they were doing in the camp, they said, "I'm sorry, but I can't agree with that.

Lesbos 1st day

As always when we land on Lesvos, the first day consists of checking out the situation. For this we meet with Nikos and Katherina from HomeForAll, who have been working for refugees here for years. In a way that we are happy to support thanks to your help. Arrived at the "Taverna" of HomeForAll, where daily food is distributed to refugees....