#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Erich Fenninger

" Thousands dead. Hundreds of thousands displaced. That is the reality. Anyone who declares this Afghanistan safe is complicit." Erich Fenninger/Director Volkshilfe Austria Erich Fenninger, for years committed to people in need and to people on the run. A man who very closely observes and knows the social and political situation in our country and consistently advocates for good coexistence and ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Regina Petrik

"Even the State Department describes Afghanistan as a high-risk area. There is massive violence in various forms everywhere. Deporting people to such a country means sending them to their deaths with their eyes wide open." Regina Petrik/Landtagsabgeordnete "Die Grünen", Burgenland Thank you very much dear Regina for your statement and your support of the campaign against deportations to Afghanistan. It is urgently necessary that also political persons ...