OLAF Bericht: Frontex finanziert illegale Pushbacks

Seit Monaten versucht die EU, den OLAF Bericht des europäischen Amtes für Betrugsbekämpfung zu Frontex geheim zuhalten. Doch nun liegt er dem Spiegel vor und er könnte nicht brisanter sein. Auf 129 Seiten dokumentiert der Bericht ausführlichst die von Frontex begangenen Verbrechen. Der Bericht erschüttert, aber überrascht nicht. Er zeigt auf, dass Frontex maßgeblich an der Finanzierung der illegalen griechischen …

Tag der Menschenrechte 2021

Menschenrechte sind in der heutigen politischen Landschaft bereits zur Ausschußware verkommen.Egal ob es ums Klima, um Kinderarmut, um Folterverbot, um Bildung, um Lebensstandard geht, überall werden Interpretationen dieser Rechte zugelassen die Einzelnen dienen, doch nicht im Sinne der Allgemeinheit, der Menschen sind. Ich darf hier/heute für die Anliegen einiger NGOs und Aktivist*innen in unserem Land sprechen. Es fällt mir nicht besonders …

Der Schein trügt – lassen wir uns nicht blenden

Wenn wir NGOs Bilder unserer Arbeit zeigen, dann zeigen wir die Momente der Unterstützung, der menschlichen Begegnungen, wir zeigen, was wir unter Hilfe vor Ort verstehen und was mit den Spendengeldern passiert. Das ist notwendig und auch wichtig, um unsere Unterstützer*innen zu informieren, was wir tun. Auf keinen Fall möchte ich, als Vertreterin unseres Vereins „Flüchtlingshilfe/refugee assistance-doro blancke“, dass wir …

Asylum and Migration European Union

The issues I work on together with NGO colleagues cannot always be viewed only nationally. Many of the demands we make concern the community of states, the European Union. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to MEP Dr. Bettina Vollath, S&D, who not only always has an open ear for us, but also does everything she can in her areas of work to ...

Lesbos - KaraTepe - Faint

I am often grateful and it strengthens us very much in this time of pain.it is strengthening that we receive so much encouragement and real support in the form of money, donations in kind, loving phone calls, sending poems, music, a few comforting lines.heartfelt thanks to you all! In reality, however, it is not possible to be so professional that the conditions in this ...

Daily routine and impressions of our daily work on Lesvos

I think it is also important that we make you understand what and how we work here on Lesvos for the people in the #KaraTepe camp. Here, in the new camp near Mytelini, there are currently just over 8,000 people, women, men, children, old people, sick people. There are over 1000 summer tents, which are normally shared by 6-7 people, often 2 families ...

Lesbos - 1 day after the terrible attack in Vienna.

M distributing food parcels in KaraTepe

Terror, no matter who it comes from, affects us all deeply. All of us! All the more important, and probably the only sensible solution, is that we unite, do not give what divides us a chance in any way, also take people seriously with all their fears and remain in dialogue. How much such events leave us stunned, no matter where we come from, is shown by the following ...

Lesbos - KaraTepe

I understand what the representatives of the big, paid NGOs mean:There are now some "showers", if you can call them that: little plastic houses with cold (!) water.Sewage is in deep holes in front of them.When I asked them what they were doing in the camp, they said, "I'm sorry, but I can't agree with that.

Help on the spot - Lesbos/Mytelini/Moria - together with Helga Longin

The preparations for the trip were made in no time. After consulting with my closest friends and NGO colleagues, I quickly made the decision to fly to Lesvos. This great injustice to people, this pain, this cruel political game at the expense of people must be documented. We will be the contemporary witnesses one day. We are now the ones who can decide ...

#Moria - Tragedy- EU Disaster Response

Since "forever" we NGOs have been pleading, asking, demanding a humane and human rights solution for Moria. Now what we have been talking about for months/years has happened. A disaster, the entire camp for people on the run is burning. 12,000 people on the run homeless, traumatised, HELPLESS. Women, children, men. Long political negotiations are now inappropriate. Now it is time to act, as we do when disasters ...