7 Punkte-Sofortmaßnahmen für Flüchtlingsunterbringung.

Gemeinsam mit anderen NGOs wie Asylkoordination, Diakonie, Caritas, Volkshilfe, Tralalobe, Amnesty Austria, Samariterbund, Integrationshaus Wien und SOS Mitmensch präsentieren wir einen 7 Punkteplan für Sofortmaßnahmen, im Bereich ”Unterbringung Schutzsuchender” in Österreich. Es kann nicht sein, dass es mangels Kooperation zwischen Bund und Ländern wieder dazu kommt, dass Geflüchtete in Österreich auf der Straße schlafen müssen. Während sich im Vergleich zu …

Farewell Lesbos - we will be back on October 30th

Perhaps it is good that I did not know the extent of the misery, the violation of human rights, this cruel political activity in detail. When humanity mutates to "rejection", when the whole of Europe thinks it has to talk and argue for weeks about whether we should help or not? When we stare droolingly at the next catastrophe images and it often triggers nothing more than ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Monika Salzer

"Only a dictatorship deports people when it wants them. A democracy does not deliver people to death" Monika Salzer, founder of "Omas gegen Rechts". Thank you very much dear Monika for your vote against deportations to Afghanistan. It is completely incomprehensible and shameful for all of us that the Austrian Federal Government still wants to deport to Afghanistan, a high-risk area. An area where ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Antje Hochholdinger

Antje Hochholdinger, actress #StopDeportationToAfghanistan

"There is a war going on in Afghanistan", with that the Austrian actress and director Antje Hochholdinger says everything that needs to be said on the subject of "no deportations to Afghanistan". Deporting people to a country at war, a high-risk area, is a breach of human rights that we must not tolerate under any circumstances. The Austrian federal government is already planning further deportations to Afghanistan. Again and again it is reported that "only" criminal offenders ...

Afghanistan deportations-suspended detention

Repeating again and again that deportations to Afghanistan are in no way compatible with human rights and European values may seem strange, but the attitude of the Austrian Federal Government unfortunately forces us to do so. Afghanistan is a high-risk area affected by war and terror, and I personally do not know a single deportee who is able to gain a foothold in this country through his or her own means. Even people who have been deported by ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Thomas Stipsits

"Thomas Stipsits, cabaret artist and actor We would like to thank Mr. Stipsits for his words and support. With his statement he hits the nail on the head. Afghanistan is a country at war. Many Austrians, just like Mr Stipsits, can and want to send people to Afghanistan.

Radicalisation of Afghan returnees

Thoughts from A. Jan to me on 18.6.2018 8 weeks after his deportation to Afghanistan from Austria Today I happened to listen to a Mullah interview about Europe. I loved listening to the interview at the beginning because the words of this mullah at the beginning were very beautiful He first described very well the people in Europe and called them "good people". He ...