
Kinder und Jugendliche in der BBU-Bundesbetreuungsagentur Heute haben wir einen Ausflug gemacht.NGO Vertreter*innen aus Österreich. #Fairlassen Ziel: Steinhaus am Semmering BBU – Bundesbetreuungsagenturca 200 Personen Wir hatten Geschenke, Obst, Süßes und wunderbare Spiele mit im Gepäck. (Danke an Katharina Hofmann-Sewera für’s Spiele und Tischbilliard organisieren)Treffpunkt war Bahnhof Steinhaus, von dort wollten wir teils zu Fuß, teils mit dem Auto zur …

Vienna, Afghanistan, working for and with people on the run

For all those who accompany, support, observe our work in goodwill and also for those who are directly affected, a small cross-section from the last visit to Vienna. BBU-Bundesbetreuungsagentur #Fairlassen Very good cooperation of different NGOs who have been intensively dealing with the loss of independent legal counselling for the last year. Together we tried to make the best out of this terrible situation. The Federal Support Agency ...

Nocturnal kitchen thoughts

We said goodbye to our Christmas tree this weekend in our shared flat. It was a gift from Mulham to all of us. Just as we decorated it together, we took it down together yesterday. The boys then took it to the collection point. And somehow that day then turned into a departure. We turned our whole place upside down. …

2020, let us proclaim it the Year of Human Rights and Love.

Full of joy and gratitude I am sitting in our kitchen, listening to the beautiful flamenco sounds of Mulham, accompanied by the sensual singing of Maite. I have just returned from a long walk in which nature enveloped me intimately. In all this beauty, this gift to all of us, I reviewed all the hours and moments that have marked the last year. And ...