15. August 2021 – 1 Jahr Machtübernahme der Taliban in Afghanistan

Der 15. August 2021 war ein sehr schmerzhafter und schwarzer Tag für alle Afghan*innen und für all jene, die sich mit ihnen verbunden und solidarisch fühlen. Hätte die Welt jenen Afghan*innen, die in den Jahren vorher die Flucht aus dem Hochrisikogebiet Afghanistan geschafft haben mehr geglaubt, ihre Berichte und Schilderungen bei den Asylverfahren, -interviews ernst genommen, dann wäre niemand von …

Schicksale, die berühren

“Ich bitte die europäischen Länder, uns zu helfen. Ich kann mit meinen Kindern nicht zurück nach Afghanistan. Wenn wir aber zurück in die Türkei gebracht werden, wird die Türkei uns zurückschicken nach Afghanistan.” Schicksale wie dieses (siehe Video) einer jungen afghanischen Familie begegnen uns tagtäglich. Menschen treten den beschwerlichen Weg der Flucht an, um sich vor Hass, Verfolgung, etc. zu …

Back on Lesbos

Since 13.9.21 we are back on the island. Fayad and I flew together with Sabine Sommerhuber, who is visiting projects in the spirit of Helga Longin in order to continue supporting them. After two days, Sabine flew on to Athens, where there is also a lot to do. We will fly to Athens on 26.9. in order to organise, together with 2 other NGOs, a ...

Lesbos - 1 day after the terrible attack in Vienna.

M distributing food parcels in KaraTepe

Terror, no matter who it comes from, affects us all deeply. All of us! All the more important, and probably the only sensible solution, is that we unite, do not give what divides us a chance in any way, also take people seriously with all their fears and remain in dialogue. How much such events leave us stunned, no matter where we come from, is shown by the following ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Monika Weilguni

"People who are deported to Afghanistan are exposed to fear and hatred, torture and terror, war and death" Monika Weilguni, chaplain Monika Weilguni speaks out what is reality in Afghanistan. Those who are deported to Afghanistan are exposed to inhuman situations from day one. Not only that they are deported after years in Austria, during which they got to know a peaceful life ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Letter from a desperate man

Afghanistan is a high-risk area. Attacks, brutality, corruption, mafias, hunger, poverty, women without rights and now the dramatic effects of COVID-19 are the order of the day. The majority of young people would rather be at home, in their country, with their families, in their houses, with their friends. But they know they can't, because they have no future for all the above reasons.

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - FORUM Stadtpark/Graz

"We want the spring of hearts and greet from the square of human rights in Graz! No more deportations to Afghanistan!" Board of FORUM Stadtpark, Heidrun Primas, Emil Gruber and Robin Klengel http://www.forumstadtpark.at/ A big thank you to the board of FORUM Stadtpark for the statement against the deportations to Afghanistan. All of us who actively oppose these cruel deportations to a high-risk area like Afghanistan ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Peter Wesely

"Deportation to Afghanistan kills - life chances, hopes, perspectives, togetherness, friendships, lives - but also that humanity which is praised as an achievement in Sunday speeches". Peter Wesely, People.Dignity.Austria Alliance https://www.mwoe.at/ As a long-time organiser of http://www.sagsmulti.at/, former press spokesperson of a large NGO and member of People. Dignity.Austria, Peter Wesely is familiar with all the concerns and issues that people on the run and migrants ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Erich Fenninger

" Thousands dead. Hundreds of thousands displaced. That is the reality. Anyone who declares this Afghanistan safe is complicit." Erich Fenninger/Director Volkshilfe Austria Erich Fenninger, for years committed to people in need and to people on the run. A man who very closely observes and knows the social and political situation in our country and consistently advocates for good coexistence and ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Regina Petrik

"Even the State Department describes Afghanistan as a high-risk area. There is massive violence in various forms everywhere. Deporting people to such a country means sending them to their deaths with their eyes wide open." Regina Petrik/Landtagsabgeordnete "Die Grünen", Burgenland Thank you very much dear Regina for your statement and your support of the campaign against deportations to Afghanistan. It is urgently necessary that also political persons ...