#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - L., affected person

I have known L. long enough now to know what fate he had to suffer and how much the situation here in Austria, the injustice in his asylum procedure, burdens him. L. speaks C1 German, has job offers, is very well integrated and is to be deported to Afghanistan, a country at war!

"The Taliban kill us with guns, knives and bombs. The political leaders are sending us to our deaths with pens," says L. and I have to admit, all of us who were present at the photo shoot and during these talks could not hide our great consternation.

For this and many other reasons, we will continue to fight for a new, truthful country assessment of the current situation in Afghanistan, for a suspension of deportations to this high-risk area.

We would like people to find out exactly what everyday life in Afghanistan is like. There is hardly a civilian who has not been affected by the prevailing violence.

#AfghanistanIsNotSafe #HumanRights #SafeToBe #FairAsylum #FairLeave

http://www.fairness-asyl.at/stopdeportationto-afghanistan/, https://www.mwoe.at/stop-deportation-to-afghanistan/, https://www.sichersein.at/2019/12/06/stopdeportationtoafghanistan/, http://asyl.at/de/info/neuemeldungen/stopdeportationtoafghanistan/

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