Protection seekers on Lesbos

#Lesbos #Moria2

For two weeks now, we have been doing our work here on Lesvos again. We have met dear acquaintances again, talked to NGOs that are doing a really good job here on the island and we are also supporting some of them again.
Finally, our 1,500 solar showers have landed and 600 kg of nice toys for children.
We are currently in the process of planning a project, co-creating it and supporting it financially, that will ensure breakfast for the children in the camp twice a week. We have already made major purchases for special women's packs (contents: body lotion, shampoo, sanitary towels, panty liners). Thanks to your support, we will be able to provide the parents of newborn babies with a baby pack again from the day after tomorrow. (Contents: bottle, baby fur, dummy, cream, powder, clothes, thermos flask, baby fur and, if required, powdered milk)
Large kitchen purchases for Home For All were also made again.

One story that particularly touched me, I met Zohel again.
Zohel was always there when I came to the camp since September. She accompanied me every step of the way, wanted to learn English and helped deliver the food from Home For All. A lovely girl from Afghanistan who had to stay with her family in this inhumane camp all winter. Now Zohel's family has finally been granted asylum and they were able to leave the camp two days ago.
Since there is not a single quiet place in the camp where we can talk, Zohel, her mother and I met at the car park of a shopping centre.
Mohammad Ali was so kind and accompanied us to translate a few more things.
It was a lovely half hour. This lovely girl who has grown so close to my heart, who had to experience the inhumane treatment of this camp after she thought she was safe after her sad escape from Afghanistan, to see her take the next step towards freedom and independent living. Despite all the joy, the last time I waved goodbye I asked myself, "why is Europe doing this to these children and their families?" Unbelievably terrible housing, too little sanitation, too little food, too little medical care, no education, no playgrounds for the children, no social spaces. I wish Zohel and her family that they will finally get the security of dignified accommodation and that they will continue to get to know people who will show them and make them feel that many people in European civil society think and act differently from those politically responsible.

If you would like to support our work here on Lesvos, please contact us at:

AT93 3842 0000 0002 7516

We thank you very much!
It is important for us to note that no matter how much #disaster relief we provide here, our first wish is that this camp is evacuated, because it is and remains a blatant breach of human rights!
This is what we are fighting for.
#EvacuateNow #Moria2 #moria2#Courage

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