People can be deported, responsibility can't #besecure

I deal with young Afghans on a daily basis. I meet them, talk to them, listen to their worries, their fears. We have looked for school and training places, we have become friends. These young people are now in great need.

They feel deliberate rejection being built up against them day after day. The Minister of the Interior and his party are proud that the deportations are going on and it seems as if deliberate attrition tactics are being used. I and many of us have made a pact with the people on the run. A pact of friendship and love. I feel responsible for their well-being in a certain sense. They trust me and they hope so much for our support. Many of them have given so much, have learned our language, have made an effort to get to know and understand our way of life, have made friends, are there for us when we need them.

Now we have to stand up for them. We can do this in everyday life, in our environment, but also in a large community. This is what #sichersein was created for. NGOs, volunteers, civilians, here we can ALL pull together, pursue the same goal. "Stop deportation to afghanistan

In June, a wonderful action: Let's get the mayors on board. Request information material and make an appointment with your mayor. Talk to them, educate them. I keep noticing how far away from the issue, how little information on the situation in Afghanistan the political leaders really have. We can all make a big difference if we take the right steps together. Thank you for your commitment!

Let's get Austria's mayors on board, more info at


Comments 1

  1. Such a meaningful action is also worth supporting. We ("Deutsch ohne Grenzen" - - ) know this only too well. Standing by each other, being there, acting in solidarity is especially important. And since we - refugees and those who were born here by chance or who have an Austrian passport - hold this together, I dare to make a small suggestion: It is clear to me that it is important, especially now, to focus on Afghanistan, but it would be necessary - in the sense of solidarity with all other refugees from crisis regions (e.g. Kurds, Somalis) - to include them as well.

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