#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Helga Longin

Helga Longin, "Unser Bruck hilft" (Our Bruck helps) has been helping people fleeing their homes for years. A young man she looked after was deported from Austria to Afghanistan. She is still in contact with him, so she knows what she is talking about. Like many others, Helga is calling for a stop to deportations to Afghanistan. The deportations are, when we talk to ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - L., affected person

I have known L. long enough now to know what fate he had to suffer and how much the situation here in Austria, the injustice in his asylum procedure, burdens him. L. speaks C1 German, has job offers, is very well integrated and is to be deported to Afghanistan, a country at war! "The Taliban kill us with guns, knives and bombs. The politically responsible ...

Demand "Fairness Asylum" to the Federal Government and the EU Member States

 Demands/Statement on the current political situation, Turkey/Greece With great concern, but also with indignation, we observe the development at the EU external borders Turkey/Greece. Here in Austria we experience politicians who at best talk about a visit on the spot and at other times about "consistent border protection". In our opinion, both are far too little, even reprehensible, because there is really no time to think about ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Review/Outlook

Today, full of gratitude, I am publishing a review of those people who have supported us so far with their statements, who have shown solidarity. People from different cities, social backgrounds, women, men, of different ages. They have one thing in common: their solidarity with those seeking protection from Afghanistan and their willingness to support this initially "small idea" of the #StopDeportationToAfghanistan campaign. My sincere, heartfelt thanks for this, dear ones. Already ...

Urgent call

Keinen Abschiebeflug heute, 25.2.20 Unruhen um Präsidentschaftssitz starten in Kabul zw Präsident Ashraf Ghani und Minister Abdullah

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - S., asylum seeker from Afghanistan

because today is Wednesday and, as promised, we are also letting those directly affected have their say and it is "just right" because the next deportation to Austria/Afghanistan is imminent. S., 24 years old, mother of two children, asylum seeker in Austria: "Afghanistan is a country at war. For women and children, life there is a disaster. There is no place for anyone, especially for us there ...

#StopDeportationToAfghanistan - Alexander Pollak

"All people in Austria have a right to safety, including asylum seekers. Therefore, deportations to high-risk areas like Afghanistan must be stopped immediately." Alexander Pollak, Spokesperson SOS Mitmensch With this statement, Alexander Pollak represents those values that are indispensable for a civilised, peaceful community. Deportations to countries like Afghanistan are in no way justifiable. For many people, Alexander Pollak is a great ...

Graz-Libya-Mediterranean and the Blackbird in the Backyard

Today, what I was always afraid of happened to me. I met an 18-year-old refugee who has been through Libya, the Mediterranean, sea rescue, all of that. First of all, my heartfelt thanks to people like our dear friend Claus-Peter Reisch, captain of the Mission Lifeline https://mission-lifeline.de/und and all the other sea rescuers for their work. Because as Christoph Riedl so aptly said at the award ceremony ...